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about us

Yes, we know our company's name and product names are a bit unorthodox in comparison to many of the other companies that offer natural and handmade products. But alternative healing is, well....UNORTHODOXED! We are just trying to make sure your body is yanked (in a good way) and glowing.

Let's be honest, no one is "Namaste" and "Love and Light" when you are hurting or not feeling your best.  So we are like our products, REAL! All of our products are blessed with intentions to heal and bring self-love (as unpredictable as our days are, we need all of the positive and healing energy we can get.) We live for lighter and happier days so we are working to spread that energy.
We are constantly researching and working on new products. Some of our ingredients are homegrown while others come from companies who specialize in growing or sourcing natural herbs. Our products are tested by customers who provide valuable feedback to help us change ingredients and formulas to make sure we are providing you with quality and increasing your chance of healing to restore you back to your natural glow.  Other than that, if you have questions, suggestions, or want a custom blend drop us a line. We love to hear what you have to say.

* Yank & Glow is NOT responsible for the improper use of any herbs or herbal products listed on this web site. Any information given is intended to provide educational information on traditional uses of herbs. This is in no way an attempt to replace the professional advice of a qualified physician and herbal clinician. None of the products listed are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and none of the statements in this web site have been approved by the FDA.These statements should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about the use of these products. If pregnant or nursing seek medical counsel before using. Seek medical advice when using herbs for children.*

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